Gerrit Losch

Gerrit Lösch tells Jehovah's Witnesses not to resent being hurt by fellow believers

GERRIT LÖSCH: Defender of the organization? - Cedars' vlog no. 56

Gerrit Lösch doubles down on unbiblical 1919 teaching

Gerrit Lösch preaches showing love to 'wicked opposers'

Gerrit Lösch adds words to the Bible to support shunning

906 - Here’s How How JWs Should Have Responded to Gerrit Lösch

Dubtown News S01E02 - The SINS of Gerrit Losch

Gerrit Losch Watchtower Make You Mine Forever

973 - Anthony Morris Destroys Gerrit Lösch Lie In One Interesting Minute

Gerrit Lösch: 'Parents never really stop being parents'

Gerrit Lösch uses persecution stories as propaganda

My Recap of Governing Body Update 7:Gerrit Losch and the Big Conspiracy Theory #GoverningBody, #exjw

Gerrit Lösch gives his slam dunk arguments for God

Governing Body Update #5: Gerrit Losch Gloats and considers Persecution ENCOURAGING! My Recap

Jehovah's Witnesses Gerrit Losch Happy Marriage Secrets [EXJW]

Jehovah's Witnesses Gerrit Losch Consistent Family Worship (EXJW)

Jehovah's Witnesses Gerrit Losch Generational Worshippers [EXJW]

Gerrit Lösch 'loves' children (despite refusing to testify in CSA lawsuit)

Gerrit Lösch gloats about 8 year-old getting baptized

Jehovah's Witnesses Gerrit Losch Inspirational Words [EXJW]

Jehovah's Witnesses Gerrit Losch Way of Love (EXJW)

Proof The Watchtower Leaders Lie To Stay Out Of Trouble

Gerrit Lösch Claims Close Elections Are Proof the End Is Near

1,113 - Gerrit Losch Floored By the Pillar of Truth (EDITED)